Business Partners
Take the opportunity to build lasting relationships with specialists in the areas of technology services, home inspections, gift items, interior design and staging, photography, landscaping, insurance, home warranties, appraisers, pest control, mold and radon remediation, mortgage lending, title companies, law firms, furniture sales, moving and storage, home improvement and repair, structural specialists, security services and more!
There are 3 levels of membership available to our Business Partners: Silver, Gold, Platinum
These levels are strictly marketing exposure levels chosen by the Affiliates and in no way reflects
on their capabilities in their chosen field or profession
Terms of Use:
RCAR is providing a vendor marketing service. The vendors are independent entities and pay a fee to participate in the marketing service. RCAR relies on customer comments, referrals and information provided by vendors, which includes qualifications, licensing, and insurance, to assess vendor participation.
RCAR does not perform the work or provide the products and services offered by vendors
RCAR its employees, officers, Board members, successors in interest, assigns, and affiliates (their employees, officers, independent contractors, successors in interest, and assigns) hereinafter collectively "Robertson County Association of Realtors®" do not warrant or guarantee the work performed or the products and services provided by any vendor. RCAR assumes no liability for the work, products, or services of any vendor or for any representations, warranties, guarantees, or other assurances made by any vendor.
Business Partner members may not hold Realtor® membership in the Association