Realtor® Association Highlights
The Robertson County Association of Realtors® membership consists of over 1700 members, both Realtors and Business Partners. In addition to Robertson County, we also represent several surrounding counties.
We are dedicated to serving our REALTOR® members throughout Middle Tennessee providing resources and services to assist members in growing their businesses and gaining a professional edge in the real estate industry. We were chartered by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® on November 8, 1980.
Our primary focus is to serve the interests of the membership. A REALTOR Association strives to become the central source of real estate information and services within the community. It attempts to build a strong, responsible and unified voice in local, state and national affairs. In all levels of government, it represents the viewpoint of its members as well as owners of real property. A REALTOR Association can only operate successfully by providing continuous, useful and responsive programs and services that benefit the membership on an efficient and cost-effective basis
As a member of the Association it means that a Real Estate licensee:
- · Is bound by a strict code of ethics
- · Can legally say they are a REALTOR®
- · Has access to educational opportunities
- · Is eligible for participation in committees affiliated with the National Association of REALTORS®
Your Association is a pure service organization. It serves the needs of its members in a variety of ways. Among the principal services available to our members are:
- Communications - providing the members with the most up-to-date information available about subjects of interest and concern.
- Education - presenting programs to increase the members' business skills and maintaining a resource center for reference materials
- Forums - through attendance at meetings and other gatherings of the Local, the State and the National Association, members exchange ideas and experiences that can lead to successful programs.
- Governmental Relations - the Association focuses the views and opinions of its members about all matters of local, state and federal laws, increasing the members' impact on governmental decisions and political directions
- Legal Preventative Maintenance- your Association's attorney provides opinions and advice about legal issues that affect the Association and segments of its membership. The Association communicates information to the members about such legal issues and operates its programs and activities in a manner to minimize any legal liability to the Association and its members.
- Liaison with other groups- the Association maintains contact with other organizations which share the interest and goals of REALTORS® Information and mutual activities are coordinated with organizations representing home builders, lenders, insurers and others. The Association also promotes a strengthening of relationships between real estate brokers and attorneys.
- Meeting facilities- even if the Association office has no permanent facility for meetings the Association is a convenient, central organization to use in arranging for the use of suitable space for any type of gathering.
- Multiple Listing Service- many Associations operate such services as a benefit to their members, providing market analysis and statistical information for internal management use, as well as marketing services for real property listed by the members.
- Professional Standards - by enforcing the REALTORS® Code of Ethics, and helping to arbitrate disagreements among members, the Association encourages high standards of business conduct in the industry.
- Public Relations - member participation in Association activities enhances the role of the Board and its members in the community they serve.
- Recognition - membership in the Association can confer REALTOR® status on eligible members, and awards programs highlight particular accomplishments of the Association and its members.
- Social Activities - receptions, banquets, parties and other social gatherings allow members many opportunities to relax and mingle with their colleagues.
- Supplies - forms, signs and other business aids in common use are maintained at the Association office and are available for the convenience of the members .